Our TV Debut!
AT in the News

Our TV Debut!

April 25

Our CEO, Alice was recently featured on the famed WCVB Boston Chronicle Program. Chronicle’s Shayna Seymour attended the event to make her own flower arrangement and...

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XO, Alice
AT in the News

XO, Alice

March 20

The first day of spring has arrived and it also marks the first of many XO, Alice blogs!

Once a month, I will share with...

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Boston Common Valentines Day Highlights
AT in the News

Boston Common Valentines Day Highlights

February 12

Another excellent press nod for Alice's Table! Thanks to Tatum Henderson and Karen Morales for highlighting our Valentines Day event at Shake Shack! Sign up with...

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Boston Herald for V-Day
AT in the News

Boston Herald for V-Day

February 11

Alice's Table featured in the Boston Herald! Thanks to Erica Corsano for highlighting our Valentines Day offerings and our Pop-Up Shop at The Street Chestnut Hill. Stop by for roses...

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Full Bloom in the Boston Globe
AT in the News

Full Bloom in the Boston Globe

February 7

Alice's Table has been featured again in the Boston Globe! Thanks to Marni Katz for highlighting our upcoming event at Shake Shack (hint hint: bring...

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Blooming Bloggers
AT in the News

Blooming Bloggers

February 6

We've had a bunch of bloggers at our events recently, and we LOVE when they share their creations with their readers!

Check out some of...

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Popping Up in Chestnut Hill
AT in the News

Popping Up in Chestnut Hill

January 19

We are thrilled to announce that our pop-up shop is finally open! Come visit us at The Street Chestnut Hill from January 19th through February 16th.

... Read More
The Boston Globe's 36 Best New Shops and Businesses Around Boston
AT in the News

The Boston Globe's 36 Best New Shops and Businesses Around Boston

January 6

Special thanks are due to The Boston Globe for including Alice's Table in this list! Check out the Globe's selection of 2016's 36 best new...

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The Improper Bostonian: Building the Bouquet
AT in the News

The Improper Bostonian: Building the Bouquet

October 29

Thank you Meghan Kavanaugh and the Improper for publishing this great article! We are so excited to bring assisted DIY weddings to Boston and beyond...

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Boston's Summer Openings
AT in the News

Boston's Summer Openings

September 8

Summer was packed with anticipated restaurant openings. Considering I always love to try new places, I hit as many as possible. Here are a few...

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