
Sweet Treat: Pressed Flower Lollipops

October 23, 2017

This Halloween, we're choosing no tricks and all treats! We've fallen in love with these pressed flower lollipops. They're a great treat to make for any party year round, or to be the Halloween show-stopper on your neighborhood block!

Recipe courtesy of SprinkleBakes.


  • Pressed flowers
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Food coloring (optional)


  1. Collect your pressed flowers or herbs! You can choose whatever you would like we recommend lavender, roses, pansies, violets, basil, chamomile, and hibiscus. You can find these online already pressed and dried.
  2. First, lightly grease your lollipop molds and set the sticks in place. If you want the flowers to show on the outside of the lollipop, lay them in the mold now. If you’d like them to be suspended in the center of the candy, leave them out for now.
  3. Heat the sugar, corn syrup, and water, on medium-high heat. Stir until dissolved, then continue to heat undisturbed until the liquid reaches 295 degrees F. Immediately remove from heat.
  4. When the liquid stops bubbling, stir in a few drops of food coloring if desired.
  5. Spoon the liquid into your lollipop molds, making sure it fully covers the back of each lollipop stick. If you haven’t already added in the flowers, do so now, using a toothpick to position them however you like.
  6. Allow the candy to harden — this should take less than an hour. Then, remove your lollipops from the molds, and enjoy!

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