
Favorite Winter Blooms

January 1, 2017

Now that the holiday season is officially over, your trees, garland and poinsettias are probably out on the curb and your home is looking empty and bare. The good news is that there are a lot of lovely flowers that you can use to add warmth and brightness to your place all winter long. Here are some of our favorites! 

Amaryllis - These gorgeous, vibrant flowers make a big impact. A popular choice around the holidays, they say "winter" without saying "Christmas." We love keeping a potted bulb in our home, because with proper care you can get amazing blooms year after year. Keep them in a cool environment, in indirect sunlight, and only slightly damp -- and cut the stalks close to the bulb once the flowers have faded. By the time the holidays roll around next year, you should be getting even more impressive blooms. 

Parrot Tulips - These stunning flowers are in season from November - May. We love them in any color, but particularly the fiery red option. They add a great pop of color to any arrangement, but like most tulips, their heavy heads can make them droop easily. Add them to a base of some sturdier greenery or blooms for structure, or you can add a penny to the vase -- the copper content helps them stay upright longer.

Calla Lilies - Available in many colors, we love the burgundy and dark pink varieties for winter bouquets. With a little care and attention, calla lilies can last for as long as 2-3 weeks, making them a great low-maintenance winter flower choice. Calla lily heads can bruise easily, so avoid handling them directly. Like most flowers, cut the stems at a 45 degree angle and don't overcrowd the vase -- lilies like to have some room to breath. 

Eucalyptus - While not technically a flower, we love scattering vases of eucalyptus around the house in the winter. They smell amazing, last forever, and are such a beautiful soft green color. Pro-tip: Eucalyptus is a great way to add some greenery to your bathroom -- the steam from the shower unleashes the amazing scent and helps unstuff those winter sinuses. 

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